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Welcome to the 

Proposed Battery Energy Storage Development at Land West of
Woodford Road, Poynton 
Public Consultation Website​



Public Consultation Invite 


Queequeg Renewables Ltd are proposing to develop a Battery Energy Storage Scheme at Land West of Woodford Road, Poynton. 


You are invited to visit a public exhibition which will be held at: 


Stockport Rugby Union Club, The Memorial Ground, Headlands Road, Bramhall, Stockport, SK7 3AN on

Wednesday 6th November 2024 


Drop in anytime between 2-7pm. 


The exhibition will display indicative plans and information about the proposed development. Members of the Project Team and Queequeg Renewables Ltd will be available to answer any questions you may have about the energy storage proposal.

Site Location Plan

Hazel Grove Aerial Place Label.jpg

Why Battery Storage?

The UK Government has set a target to achieve a net-zero economy by 2050 and is committed to replacing fossil fuels with clean green energy solutions. National Grid estimates that 30GW of battery storage capacity is required by 2030 to ensure that energy generated by renewables can be stored when it is not required, and then used when it is needed. 


Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) and associated works are a key component of a low-carbon energy system. The batteries can store the energy being generated across the UK’s energy network by renewables, such as solar and wind farms, when demand is low so excess electricity is not wasted. These systems can then discharge this stored energy to balance the energy network when demand is high,  when the wind is not blowing, or when the sun is not shining. The batteries produce no emissions or pollution during normal operations so they are considered to be a low-carbon technology.


Cheshire East Council is committed to becoming a carbon-neutral borough by 2045. The Cheshire East Carbon Neutral Action Plan sets out the Council’s action plan priority to increase low carbon energy supply borough-wide.


There are a limited number of locations where energy can be transported back into the grid. A grid connection of 99.9MW Export has been secured at Adswood National Grid Substation, which is a viable and cost-effective connection. 


The proposed battery energy storage facility would assist in providing a significant contribution to both local and national renewable energy targets by improving the resilience and efficient operation of the network.

Indicative Development Proposals

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Site Layout Plan

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Landscape Masterplan


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Site Analysis

Green Belt

The Site is located in the Green Belt. As part of the planning application, ‘Very Special Circumstances’ will be demonstrated for the development. The Very Special Circumstances include:

  • The need to meet national targets to be a net zero economy by 2050 and local targets to become a carbon-neutral borough by 2045;

  • There is an available and viable grid connection with a grid offer that has been accepted;

  • Initial work suggests that this location is suitable to serve the grid connection and that the proposal can be acceptable in planning terms; and

  • The potential for other environmental benefits.

What is being proposed?

The proposal is for the construction and operation of a Battery Energy Storage System and associated infrastructure at Land West of Woodford Road. The Site measures approximately 4.5 ha.


The proposal will comprise of:

  • Containerised battery energy storage units measuring approximately 6.1m x 2.4m and 4.1m in height;

  • Medium voltage battery cabins measuring approximately 6.1m x 2.4m and 4.1m in height;

  • A welfare cabin measuring approximately 12.2m x 2.5m and 2.6m in height;

  • A substation with components including transformers and other electrical equipment measuring up to approx. 6.5 in height;

  • Car parking provision and an internal access track;

  • Relevant communications and monitoring equipment including CCTV measuring 4.3m in height.


Access to the site, for construction and maintenance, will be obtained from Woodford Road, to the south east of the Site.


Environmental enhancements and landscaping will be introduced to create opportunities for biodiversity improvements. The enhancements will include new hedgerow and hedgerow tree planting to the site boundaries to enhance existing vegetation and species rich grassland outside of the proposed compound.

Next Steps


Your views are important to us and we are seeking your feedback as members of the local community to help shape the design proposals. Your comments will help to inform the planning application which is likely to be submitted to Cheshire East Council in Winter 2024.


Please provide us with your comments by:


Filling out the feedback form provided at the exhibition;


Filling out the comments section of the leaflet (posted to properties local to the Site) or;


Sending an email to


We welcome all feedback. All responses will be carefully considered, examined and recorded as part of our consultation process prior to submitting a planning application to Cheshire East Council.

The deadline for comments is:

Friday 22nd November 2024

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